Friday, August 27, 2010

Year: 2008, 2009, 2010
Genre: screamo

Chaotic shit à la Orchid

Parrhesia - [Demo #01] My Hands Are Made ov Sprite [Remix]
Parrhesia - [Demo #02] 'See That Shit - That Shit's Beavtifvl!'
Parrhesia - [Demo #03] Cthvlv Hate Fvck [Remix]
Parrhesia - [Demo #04] Victory Pee. Hold My Wang.

Parrhesia - [For Everything to Be Consummated... #01] VI
Parrhesia - [For Everything to Be Consummated... #02] IX
Parrhesia - [For Everything to Be Consummated... #03] VIII
Parrhesia - [For Everything to Be Consummated... #04] VII

Torrential Downpour - [Parrhesia/Torrential Downpour split #01] Why Do Drifters Drift?
Torrential Downpour - [Parrhesia/Torrential Downpour split #02] Stealing Spoons
Parrhesia - [Parrhesia/Torrential Downpour split #03] Matt Can't Play Gvitar
Parrhesia - [Parrhesia/Torrential Downpour split #04] Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

Parrhesia - [Summer Tour [Cassette] #01] XVIII
Parrhesia - [Summer Tour [Cassette] #02] XII



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