Year: 2011
Kranky goodness. They've changed their sound from ambient to drum machine-supported, lo-fi, dream-poppy soundscapes. One of my favorites of the year so far, fo sho.
Belong - [Common Era #01] Come See
Belong - [Common Era #02] Never Came Close
Belong - [Common Era #03] A Walk
Belong - [Common Era #04] Perfect Life
Belong - [Common Era #05] Keep Still
Belong - [Common Era #06] Different Heart
Belong - [Common Era #07] Make Me Return
Belong - [Common Era #08] Common Era
Belong - [Common Era #09] Very Careful

Year: [various]
Snotty punk from Toronto, waka flocka.
School Jerks - [Control EP #01] Screamer
School Jerks - [Control EP #02] Control
School Jerks - [Control EP #03] Ready To Die
School Jerks - [Control EP #04] Ugly Minds, Ugly Faces
School Jerks - [Control EP #05] Moral Addiction
School Jerks - [Control EP #06] 4-F
School Jerks - [Decline #01] Decline
School Jerks - [Decline #02] Rent Boy
School Jerks - [Decline #03] Street Talk
School Jerks - [Decline #04] Guestlist
School Jerks - [Nothing Else #01] Nothing Else
School Jerks - [Nothing Else #02] Stray
School Jerks - [Nothing Else #03] Passed Out

Year: [various]
Montreal punx.
Omegas - [Psycho Dives on Slam Skank Anthems #01] False Worship
Omegas - [Psycho Dives on Slam Skank Anthems #02] Futile Pleasures
Omegas - [Psycho Dives on Slam Skank Anthems #03] Secret Signals
Omegas - [Psycho Dives on Slam Skank Anthems #04] Gimme Oblivion
Omegas - [Sonic Order 7" #01] Street Meat
Omegas - [Sonic Order 7" #02] Ravages Of Age
Omegas - [Sonic Order 7" #03] Sonic Order
Omegas - [Sonic Order 7" #04] You Can Be Replaced
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #01] Modern Glory
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #02] Psycho Circles
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #03] Kill For Control
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #04] Disgusting Fun
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #05] Blasts Of Lunacy
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #06] You Ain't Nuthin
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #07] Excessive Force
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #08] Peasant Dance
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #09] Absurd Visions
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #10] F.S.O.M.
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #11] Slam Skank
Omegas - [Blasts Of Lunacy #12] Sex Hero

Year: 2010
Get pissed off.
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #01] Lapse Infinitum
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #02] Single Truth, Final Nails
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #03] Mortality Interactions
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #04] A Morbid Mockery
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #05] The Internal
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #06] Forceps
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #07] Parallels Of Inheritance
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #08] Omnipotence
Salvation - [Mortality Interactions #09] Essence Catcher

Year: [various]
Crossed Out worship from Boston.
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #01] Wrench
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #02] Catechize
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #03] Cogneedle
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #04] Thoughtless
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #05] Scum
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #06] Hemorrhage
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #07] Brainvice
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #08] Headnail
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #09] Cozen
Scapegoat - [Scapegoat #10] Mindrot
Scapegoat - [Tour [Cassette] #01] Tour CS
Scapegoat - [Tour [Cassette] #02] Live in Ventura, CA July 2007

Year: 2011
Latest release from yr favorite glue-huffing mongoloids, rawk on.
Cülo - [Toxic Vision EP #01] Brain Cavity
Cülo - [Toxic Vision EP #02] Wasted On Wine
Cülo - [Toxic Vision EP #03] Neighborhood Watch
Cülo - [Toxic Vision EP #04] Death Culture
Cülo - [Toxic Vision EP #05] Toxic Vision

Year: 2011
More bullshit, now with a new drummer. Split release by Deranged & Katorga Works.
Hoax - [Hoax 7" #01] Fagget
Hoax - [Hoax 7" #02] Endgame
Hoax - [Hoax 7" #03] Dead Weight
Hoax - [Hoax 7" #04] Leech

Year: [various]
These guys are often described as 'satanic hardcore', most likely because of the maniacal vocals. It's definitely a darker style of punk, and it rules ok?
We Hate All Life [2005]
Lucifer's Grip [2007]
Alone In A Dream [2011]

Year: 2011
Toby Grave's latest project after dissolving Blessure Grave. Gothy pop-punk, at times reminiscent of Joy Division, The Chameleons and The Cure. Get now or pose l8r bro.
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #01] From This Point
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #02] Death In The Family
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #03] Borders Comfort
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #04] Feral Moans
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #05] Sea Of Doubt
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #06] Be Alone
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #07] An Open Door
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #08] Within This Mess
Soft Kill - [An Open Door #09] Surrender

Year: 2010
Right-wing mystery punk.
Iranian Homos - [Self-titled #01] 1
Iranian Homos - [Self-titled #02] 2
Iranian Homos - [Self-titled #03] 3
Iranian Homos - [Self-titled #04] 4
Iranian Homos - [Self-titled #05] 5

Year: [various]
My all-time favorite Boston punk band.
Bored To Death EP [2002]
Harmed & Dangerous [2003]
Marked For Life [2003]