Year: 2009
Genre: Ambient, minimalist, experimental
Wo0 - [With The Flowered Minds #01] Rotary Soul Twist
Wo0 - [With The Flowered Minds #02] Sunkissed Ladymoon
Wo0 - [With The Flowered Minds #03] Cosmo Mind Lonesome Ride
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2008
Genre: Doom/experimental
Bongripper & Winters In Osaka - [Meat Ditch #01] Untitled
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: atmospheric sludge-y metal
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #01] Hall Of The Dead
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #02] Ghost Key
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #03] Hand Of The Host
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #04] Wavering Radiant
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #05] Stone To Wake A Serpent
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #06] 20 Minutes/40 Years
ISIS - [Wavering Radiant #07] Threshold Of Transformation
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: electronic
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #01] Jerico Loop-Bin Duplicator
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #02] Enzyme Bangalore
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #03] Sycophant Of Purdah
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #04] Mehmet Quarter
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #05] Radif Avaz & Dastgah
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #06] Untitled
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #07] For Muntaz
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #08] Dupatta
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #09] Jerico Loop-Bin Duplicator
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #10] Untitled
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #11] Cairo Mercedes
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #12] Enzyme Bangalore
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #13] Mossad Evil
Muslimgauze - [Sycophant Of Purdah #14] Untitled
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: electronic
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #01] Full Metal Yashmak
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #02] Disinfekt
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #03] Nadir
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #04] Satsuma Tablet
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #05] Arabs Improved Zpain
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #06] Fez Tishan
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #07] Arabs Return Zpain
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #08] Black Izlamic Garb
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #09] North Africa Is Not So Far Away
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #10] The Fly That Constantly Bites
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #11] Terracotta Bowl
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #12] Zealot Box
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #13] Straps Sticks Of Dynamite Around Her Body
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #14] Enchanté, Monsieur
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #15] Clamour
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #16] Come Inside Lahore
Muslimgauze - [Sulaymaniyah #17] Full Metal Yeshmak
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: ambient doom/doom metal
Last.fm [Nadja]
Last.fm [A Storm Of Light]
A Storm Of Light - [Primitive North #01] Brother
A Storm Of Light - [Primitive North #02] Sister
Nadja - [Primitive North #03] I Make From Your Eyes The Sun
Nadja - [Primitive North #04] Brother [Remix]
A Storm Of Light - [Primitive North #05] I Make From Your Eyes The Sun [Remix]
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: see below
I'm not really sure how to describe these guys, some fags are saying "emo black metal" which is redundant & pretty unfitting for this album too. Its not hard enough to be called metal, but its pretty dark, so if anything I would say "dark rock", as lame as that sounds.
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #01] Gas In Veins
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #02] Les Ruches Malades
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #03] Heurt
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #04] Recueillement
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #05] Faux Semblants
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #06] Trouble [Éveils Infâmes]
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #07] I XIII V XIX XV V XXI XVIII XIX – IX XIX – IV V I IV
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #08] Video Girl
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #09] La Reine Trayeuse
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #10] Amesoeurs
Amesoeurs - [Self-titled #11] Au Crépuscule de Nos Rêves
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: Drone/psychedelic
Pocahaunted with Bob Bruno and Cameron Stallones - [Passage #01] Palm
Pocahaunted with Bob Bruno and Cameron Stallones - [Passage #01] Palm
Pocahaunted with Bobb Bruno and Cameron Stallones - [Passage #03] Dusk
Pocahaunted with Bobb Bruno and Cameron Stallones - [Passage #03] Dusk
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: avant-garde
C. Spencer Yeh - [The Strangler #01] Escape Artist
C. Spencer Yeh - [The Strangler #02] Comedy Fx
C. Spencer Yeh - [The Strangler #03] The Stranger
Download [PW: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: Ambient/drone/electronic
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #01] 100 Years Ago
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #02] Sea of Pulses
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #03] The Inner Shore
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #04] Pond Life
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #05] Borderlands
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #06] A Stop at the Chord Cascades
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #07] Utropics
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #08] Paragon Point
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #09] Her Black Horizon
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #10] Currents of Electrostasy
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #11] Where Shadows Make Shadows
Tim Hecker - [An Imaginary Country #12] 200 Years Ago
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2001
Genre: Post-Rock
Mogwai - [EP+6 #01] Superheroes of BMX
Mogwai - [EP+6 #02] Now you're taken
Mogwai - [EP+6 #03] Stereodee
Mogwai - [EP+6 #04] Xmas steps
Mogwai - [EP+6 #05] Rollerball
Mogwai - [EP+6 #06] Small children - the backgroun
Mogwai - [EP+6 #07] Stanley Kubrick
Mogwai - [EP+6 #08] Christmas song
Mogwai - [EP+6 #09] Burn girl Prom-queen
Mogwai - [EP+6 #10] Rage: man
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2005
Genre: Post-rock
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #01] Fear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #02] Tear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #03] Dear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #04] Hear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #05] Breeze
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #06] Sear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #07] Rear
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #08] Clouds
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #09] Near
Left - [I Could Stand In Here #10] Stand
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2006
Genre: Black Metal/psychedelic
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #01] Instinct
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #02] A Seed For Suffering
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #03] Keep Them Open
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #04] Chosen By No One
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #05] Circumvention
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #06] Eternal Ground
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #07] The Antichrist Messiah
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #08] Here's To Hoping
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #09] Abstract Nihilism
Nachtmystium - [Instinct: Decay #10] Decay
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 1998
Genre: Experimental
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #01] Cycle 1
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #02] Cycle 2
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #03] Cycle 3
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #04] Cycle 4
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #05] Cycle 5
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #06] Cycle 6
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #07] Cycle 7
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #08] Cycle 8
The Olivia Tremor Control - [Explanation II: Instrumental Themes And Dream Sequences #09] Cycle 9
Download [pw: akuma]

Year: 2009
Genre: black metal
Wolves In The Throne Room - [Black Cascade #01] Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog
Wolves In The Throne Room - [Black Cascade #02] Ahrimanic Trance
Wolves In The Throne Room - [Black Cascade #03] Ex Cathedra
Wolves In The Throne Room - [Black Cascade #04] Crystal Ammunition
Download [PW: akuma]